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» Z32 Headlight Removal |
Headlight Removal |
Article Date: 01-14-05
Mod Class: Z32 - All Models
Mod Type: Maintainence
Article Origin:
Difficulty Level:
(Scale of 1 to 10. 1 being extremely easy, 10 being extremely
Estimated Time to Complete: 2 hours
Tools Required:
10mm Socket
12mm Socket
Socket wrench
Medium Socket Extension
Various Phillips Head Screw Drivers
Various Flat Head Screw Drivers |
Removing Headlamps without removing the front bumper cover:

1. Remove Nose Panel - 2 x 10mm bolts.

2a. Disconnect MAS and remove intake - 1 hose clamp, 1 philips bolt
connected to oil cooler on TT models (blue is the clamp, orange is the MAS)
2b. Stock - Remove Intake box and disconnect MAS.

3. Remove T intake tube - 2 hose clamps removed with screw driver. The
picture shows the intake and MAS still on, but by this point it should already
be off and out of the car.

4. TT models - Remove recirc valves (not mandatory, but makes reaching
the bolts a lot easier) - 1 small hose clamp taken off with pliers, 2 hose
clamps taken off with screw driver and two 12mm bolts holding them onto the car,
on each valve.

5. Remove turn signals for clearance - 2 phillips bolts per signal.

6. Remove phillips screws in front wheel well guards for clearance (you
will have to turn the steering wheel to the left lock to do the right side and
vise versa, you will need the wheel turned to access the head light bolts as
well), amount depends on the fasica you have.

7. There are two bolts (rear) and two nuts (front) holding the headlights
in, all 12mm, the bolts can be removed via phillips head screwdriver as well,
but I found using the 12mm socket for all the nuts/bolts was easier. The second
photo shows the location of the bolts with the headlight removed, looks simple,
but they are actually pretty hard to get to.

8. Remove the rear bolts closest to the center of the car. (bolt is
already reamoved in this picture)

9. Remove the front nuts closest to the center of the car. (nut is
already removed in this picture)

10. Remove the front nuts closest to the outside of the car through the
hole where the turn signals used to be. (pointing to where nut is in first

11. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the left lock and pull back
the wheel well guard to remove the rear right bolt closest to the outside of the
car (vice versa for the other side).. This one is the hardest to get to, as you
do not have much room to move the ratchet and its somewhat hard to find the
bolt. I left the socket and extension in place so it was easier to see.

12. Now you can pull out the headlight. I found that the headlight likes
to stick in there though, so you may have to put your hand through the turn
signal hole and push the bolt (the bolt connected to the headlight that one of
the nuts goes on). Push up on the bolt and pull the headlight simultaneously and
it will become a little easier.
13. Unplug the headlamp bulb harnesses and pull the headlamp the rest of
the way out.
14. To reinstall just go in reverse, the nuts/bolts are a little harder
to get back on, again because of the cramped space, but it is not too hard.

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