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» The Broken Antenna Mod
Antenna Down Mod
Article Date: 08-06-05
Author: Gino
Mod Class: Z32 All Models
Mod Type: Electrical Mod
Article Origin: Zmods.org
Difficulty Level: 2 (Scale of 1 to 10. 1 being extremely easy, 10 being extremely difficult.)
Estimated Time to Complete: Less than an hour

Tools Required:
Phillips Head Screw Driver
24 Gauge Wire
Needle Nose Pliers
Wire Snips (scissor type)

This mod is perfect for people who are planning on shaving their antenna or have a broken one/stuck down one and don't really want it up (looks ugly, we know).

MUST HAVE AFTERMARKET RADIO (head unit) for this to work right.
Most aftermarket head units only pull in reception from 1 line input, the stock Bose system was made to pull in from both (first is the retractable antenna, the second is in the rear windshield near the rear defroster lines)

This is a very easy mod to do, not really time consuming at all. ...

Step 1:

Remove the screw covers from these positions (the bottom bar *visible in step 6* will usually be held on by tar and can be pretty sticky). The top ones just take a screw driver and pop them out to reveal the screws. Unscrew the screws and start by pulling the top of the dash plate out then kind of pull out and lift up the whole thing.

Step 2:

This is what it will look like (well...close to it) with the plate off. You will have to move the CD player by unscrewing the bracket and pulling the whole thing out (you don't have to unplug it or anything don't worry)

Step 3:

This is the plug you're looking for. It will most likely be located behind the CD player. Pull this plug apart (Should be pretty easy to figure out how ;) there's a little tab to push in and pull apart)

This is what it looks like separated

Step 4:

This is where the magic begins. Use a very thin single wire (I suggest 24 gauge) and wrap the wire around the prongs . I did about 1-1/2 around the first prong them connected to the other with 1-1/2 around that one or so. Just make sure the wire connects them. This is connecting the 2 antenna lines into 1 which is what most aftermarket systems want.

Step 5:

Once the wire is roughly wrapped around, i used needle nose pliers to tighten the loops around the prong. Cut off any excess, you don't want any wire touching the inside of the connecter. Try to wrap the wire around as tight as you can and bend any excess (that you cant cut) in between the prongs.

Step 6:
Reconnect the plug, put the CD player back in (I held the plug up until the CD player was back in and put the plug on top for easier access if i ever want to remove this mod. Instead of having to pull everything back out I can just take the plate off). Put everything back together and viola...RADIO THAT WORKS!!!

The reason I needed this mod is my shaved antenna. Before this I could only listen to CD's and static. :)

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